劉德祖在接受星報專訪時,否認與PARIS HILTON相戀,並指俩人不熟悉,他認識PARIS HILTON的父母,PARIS HILTON只是派對中的其中一人,如果大家不相信,可以打電話問PARIS HILTON。
不要說打電話給PARIS HILTON求證,我們想打電話給港台女藝人都難,更何況是國際名媛兼藝人PARIS HILTON。
劉德祖雖然矢口否認與PARIS HILTON的關係,不過外國狗仔隊在追蹤他們的行蹤時,發現他們的關係親密,互動很多,不像普通朋友,外國媒體甚至以PARIS HILTON今晚將與劉德祖或其弟弟劉真「睡覺」(Sleeping With)來形容他們的關係。
根據最近的系列照片,劉德祖與PARIS HILTON乘坐遊艇共遊的照片,PARIS HILTON多數與劉德祖在一起,其餘都是一人獨處,陪在她身邊的相信是保鑣或工作人員。
Photo: Paris Hilton parties with sugar daddy, Taek Jho Low

Paris Hilton was seen partying it up in St. Tropez with Malaysian businessman Taek Jho Low. He was spending millions of dollars on bottles of the club’s most expensive champagne for Paris and her drinking buddies.
The only problem? Paris’ ex-boyfriend, Doug Reinhardt, was there — and he was competing with Taek. Crazy!
Her new fella, chubby Malaysian playboy Taek Jho Low, shelled out a staggering £1.8 MILLION on bubbly at the exclusive Byblos nightclub.What was he doing there?
He was competing with her ex-boyfriend Doug Reinhardt on who could splash the most cash on booze.
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